Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Over clocking is the somewhat unknown and uncommon practice of running your CPU (or other parts) past the speed that it is rated at. An example is running a 1.2 GHz CPU at 1.4 GHz or a 200 MHz CPU at 233 MHz. How can this be achieved? The following description isn't exact, but it captures the basic idea. Most CPU companies create their CPUs and then test them at a certain speed. If the CPU fails at a certain speed, then it is sold as a CPU at the next lower speed. The tests are usually very stringent so a CPU may be able to run at the higher speed quite reliably. In fact, the tests are often not used at all. For example, once a company has been producing a certain CPU for awhile, they have gotten the process down well enough that all the CPUs they make will run reliably at the highest speed the CPU is designed for.

Thus, just to fill the demand, they will mark some of them as the slower CPUs. Beware, however, that some vendors may sell CPUs already over clocked. This is why it is very important to buy from a dealer you can trust. Some video cards are also very over lockable with some companies selling their cards already over clocked (and advertised this way). The Programs like Power strip can often be used to easily over clock the cards. Also, if you're afraid to over clock your CPU, let another company do it for you! Companies like ComputerNerd sell CPUs pretested at over clocked speeds.

What To Consider:
Do you NEED to over clock? It may not be worth the risk if your computer is running fine as it is. However, if it seems a little too slow and/or you're a speed freak, it may be worth the risk.
How important is your work? If you're running a very important network server, it may not be worth it to put the extra strain on the computer. Likewise, if your computer does a lot of highly CPU intensive operations, you may also want to not over clock. Obviously the most stable computer is going to be one that is not over clocked. This is not to say that an over clocked computer can not be 100% stable because they CAN. If you just use your computer to play games and would like to have a little faster frame rates, then over clocking may be worth it.

Potential Side-Effects
The first impression people usually have of over clocking is "isn't that dangerous?" For the most part, the answer is no. If all you do to try to over clock your computer is change the CPU's speed, there is very little chance that you will damage your computer and/or the CPU as long as you do not push your computer too hard (i.e. trying to run a 500 MHz CPU at 1 GHz. Damage has happened, but it's a rare thing. Also, if you start increasing voltage settings to allow your CPU to run at a higher speed, there is more of a risk there.
The best way to prevent damage is to keep your CPU as cool as possible. The only way you can really damage your CPU is if it gets too hot. Adequate cooling is one of the keys to successful over clocking. Using large heat sinks with powerful ball-bearing fans will help to achieve this. How hot is too hot? If you can't keep your finger on the CPU's heat sink comfortably, then it is probably too hot and you should lower the CPU's speed.

Changing the bus speed is actually more beneficial than changing the CPU's speed. The bus speed is basically the speed at which the CPU communicates with the rest of the computer. When you increase the bus speed, in many cases you will be over clocking all the parts in your AGP, PCI slots, and your RAM as well as the CPU. Usually this is by a small margin and won't hurt these components. Pay attention to them though. If they're getting too hot, you may need to add extra cooling for them (an additional fan in your case). Just like your CPU, if they get too hot, they may be damaged as well.

Difficulty Level
Believe it or not, it's actually quite simple. In many cases all you have to do is change a couple of jumpers on the motherboard or change settings in your motherboard's BIOS.
Most of today's CPUs are multiplier locked, but you can change the bus speed. As an example, you could run a 1.2 GHz Thunderbird that normally runs at 133 bus (also called 266 because it is "double-pumped) at:
Multiplier * Bus Speed = CPU speed in MHz
9 * 133 = 1,200 MHz = 1.2 GHz = default
9 * 140 = 1,260 MHz = 1.26 GHz
9 * 145 = 1,305 MHz = 1.3 GHz
9 * 150 = 1,350 MHz = 1.35 GHz

Even though that CPU is multiplier locked, you can change the multiplier by connecting the "L1" dots on the CPU itself with a normal pencil (it's just enough to conduct electricity to allow you to change the multipliers). If you do this properly, it is perfectly safe. Here's an article on how to do this.
9 * 133 = 1,200 MHz = 1.2 GHz = default
9.5 * 133 = 1,264 MHz = 1.264 GHz
10 * 133 = 1,333 MHz = 1.333 GHz
Or change both together, like this:10 * 140 = 1,400 MHz = 1.4 GHz

All you need to do here is use common sense really. For example, you wouldn't want to try to run a 233 MHz CPU at 400 MHz. For one thing, it won't work. For another, that probably would damage your CPU. I would advise starting out low and slowly trying to go higher. If you have a 233 MHz CPU, try running it one step higher, then the next step. Most likely you won't be able to get a CPU like this to run much higher than 300, but that is a possibility.
Be more concerned with changing the bus speed than the CPU speed as that will provide the greatest amount of speed improvement. For example, running a CPU at 250 (83.3x3) would be better than 262.5 (75x3.5) in most cases because the bus speed of 83 is higher than 75. The default for most CPUs is at 66 MHz bus speed.

The newer P2's bus speed is 100 MHz by default. Many computers will not have options on bus speeds, but if you get any of the motherboards I recommend, you will have different bus speed options. The higher bus speed you can run at reliably, the better. Depending on what your other components are though, they may cause your computer to crash or become unstable if they can't handle the higher bus speeds. With bus speeds like 133, you have to have higher quality PC133 or PC2100 DDR SDRAM to be able to achieve this bus speed reliably.

Taken From


Over clocking is the somewhat unknown and uncommon practice of running your CPU (or other parts) past the speed that it is rated at. An example is running a 1.2 GHz CPU at 1.4 GHz or a 200 MHz CPU at 233 MHz. How can this be achieved? The following description isn't exact, but it captures the basic idea. Most CPU companies create their CPUs and then test them at a certain speed. If the CPU fails at a certain speed, then it is sold as a CPU at the next lower speed. The tests are usually very stringent so a CPU may be able to run at the higher speed quite reliably. In fact, the tests are often not used at all. For example, once a company has been producing a certain CPU for awhile, they have gotten the process down well enough that all the CPUs they make will run reliably at the highest speed the CPU is designed for.

Thus, just to fill the demand, they will mark some of them as the slower CPUs. Beware, however, that some vendors may sell CPUs already over clocked. This is why it is very important to buy from a dealer you can trust. Some video cards are also very over lockable with some companies selling their cards already over clocked (and advertised this way). The Programs like Power strip can often be used to easily over clock the cards. Also, if you're afraid to over clock your CPU, let another company do it for you! Companies like ComputerNerd sell CPUs pretested at over clocked speeds.

What To Consider:
Do you NEED to over clock? It may not be worth the risk if your computer is running fine as it is. However, if it seems a little too slow and/or you're a speed freak, it may be worth the risk.
How important is your work? If you're running a very important network server, it may not be worth it to put the extra strain on the computer. Likewise, if your computer does a lot of highly CPU intensive operations, you may also want to not over clock. Obviously the most stable computer is going to be one that is not over clocked. This is not to say that an over clocked computer can not be 100% stable because they CAN. If you just use your computer to play games and would like to have a little faster frame rates, then over clocking may be worth it.

Potential Side-Effects
The first impression people usually have of over clocking is "isn't that dangerous?" For the most part, the answer is no. If all you do to try to over clock your computer is change the CPU's speed, there is very little chance that you will damage your computer and/or the CPU as long as you do not push your computer too hard (i.e. trying to run a 500 MHz CPU at 1 GHz. Damage has happened, but it's a rare thing. Also, if you start increasing voltage settings to allow your CPU to run at a higher speed, there is more of a risk there.
The best way to prevent damage is to keep your CPU as cool as possible. The only way you can really damage your CPU is if it gets too hot. Adequate cooling is one of the keys to successful over clocking. Using large heat sinks with powerful ball-bearing fans will help to achieve this. How hot is too hot? If you can't keep your finger on the CPU's heat sink comfortably, then it is probably too hot and you should lower the CPU's speed.

Changing the bus speed is actually more beneficial than changing the CPU's speed. The bus speed is basically the speed at which the CPU communicates with the rest of the computer. When you increase the bus speed, in many cases you will be over clocking all the parts in your AGP, PCI slots, and your RAM as well as the CPU. Usually this is by a small margin and won't hurt these components. Pay attention to them though. If they're getting too hot, you may need to add extra cooling for them (an additional fan in your case). Just like your CPU, if they get too hot, they may be damaged as well.

Difficulty Level
Believe it or not, it's actually quite simple. In many cases all you have to do is change a couple of jumpers on the motherboard or change settings in your motherboard's BIOS.
Most of today's CPUs are multiplier locked, but you can change the bus speed. As an example, you could run a 1.2 GHz Thunderbird that normally runs at 133 bus (also called 266 because it is "double-pumped) at:
Multiplier * Bus Speed = CPU speed in MHz
9 * 133 = 1,200 MHz = 1.2 GHz = default
9 * 140 = 1,260 MHz = 1.26 GHz
9 * 145 = 1,305 MHz = 1.3 GHz
9 * 150 = 1,350 MHz = 1.35 GHz

Even though that CPU is multiplier locked, you can change the multiplier by connecting the "L1" dots on the CPU itself with a normal pencil (it's just enough to conduct electricity to allow you to change the multipliers). If you do this properly, it is perfectly safe. Here's an article on how to do this.
9 * 133 = 1,200 MHz = 1.2 GHz = default
9.5 * 133 = 1,264 MHz = 1.264 GHz
10 * 133 = 1,333 MHz = 1.333 GHz
Or change both together, like this:10 * 140 = 1,400 MHz = 1.4 GHz

All you need to do here is use common sense really. For example, you wouldn't want to try to run a 233 MHz CPU at 400 MHz. For one thing, it won't work. For another, that probably would damage your CPU. I would advise starting out low and slowly trying to go higher. If you have a 233 MHz CPU, try running it one step higher, then the next step. Most likely you won't be able to get a CPU like this to run much higher than 300, but that is a possibility.
Be more concerned with changing the bus speed than the CPU speed as that will provide the greatest amount of speed improvement. For example, running a CPU at 250 (83.3x3) would be better than 262.5 (75x3.5) in most cases because the bus speed of 83 is higher than 75. The default for most CPUs is at 66 MHz bus speed.

The newer P2's bus speed is 100 MHz by default. Many computers will not have options on bus speeds, but if you get any of the motherboards I recommend, you will have different bus speed options. The higher bus speed you can run at reliably, the better. Depending on what your other components are though, they may cause your computer to crash or become unstable if they can't handle the higher bus speeds. With bus speeds like 133, you have to have higher quality PC133 or PC2100 DDR SDRAM to be able to achieve this bus speed reliably.

Taken From


You will learn about the DNS server configurations and overview, IP addressing, sub netting, domains description, how IP works. Domain name service is an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. Domain names are easy to remember because they are alphabetic. On the other end, the internet is based on the IP addresses i.e. every computer on the internet is associated with a unique IP address.
The communication on the internet is carried out on the basis of IP addresses and not on the domain names. A Domain name server service translates the domain name into its corresponding IP address for example the domain name www.abc.com might be translated to The DNS system is, in fact, forms its own network.
If one Domain name server serve doesn’t know to translate a domain name, it looks for another one and so on until the exact IP address is returned. DNS translates between the internet names and internet addresses.

How DNS Works
DNS organizes the hostnames in the form of hierarchy. A domain is a collection of the sites that are related because they form a network (all computers that are geographically close as well. Universities are commonly grouped in .edu domain with each university or college using a separate sub domain.
While most of the topic does not require much technical knowledge, there is one technical part of the Domain name server.
When you type a name like example.com in your internet browsers it finds a way to map that name to the internet IP numbers, by which the internet easily reach the example.com computer. For this purpose your computer uses DNS of your Internet service provider company. All internet traffic work on these numbers and the important factor is that the looking up for the name is done by Domain name server.

That computer has a list of the host names/IP address mapping, which is regularly updated by the root DNS. Root DNS servers are the master servers that can help you look up any name. All the root DNS servers copy their own data from the one master server, which is under the control of ICANN. The root servers usually have a list that where you can look for the top level domains like .com, .net, org and .info etc. The ISP sends request for the particular domain name to the root sever and root server directs the request to the master server. In this way, you get the answer with your requested domain name.

IP routing and root servers
The domain lookups go to and from the root servers because main routers on the internet, ISPs and backbones have the list that where to find it.

Domains Description
.edu This domain name is used by the educational institutes like colleges and universities
.com This domain name is used by the commercial institutes/organizations and companies.
.Org This domain is used by the non-commercial organizations.
.net Administrative hosts, gateways and other networks.
.mil This is used by the U.S. military institutions.
.Gov This is used by the government institutes.
.info Used by the Informative sites.

There is a common question that how large is the internet and how Domain name server works. Domain name server simply provides mapping between hostnames and the IP addresses. When you dial in your ISP number and access it how does it get the answer in the form of requested domain name for you. It’s most likely that ISP may not have stored the information (requested site). In this case first the ISP server will send the query to the root-servers. These are the set of very high-powered servers that know all about the top level domains like .com, .org, .net, .info and all the country domains.

So, the ISP’s name server first contact with the root-servers. If the root-servers don’t have the requested information then redirect the request to the GTLD servers for any kind of top level domain and the answers come back to the ISP’s name servers with the requested information. At each step, ISP’s name server caching all the information. The Domain name server is central to the internet because without a domain name systems (DNS) its impossible to communication on the internet.

Taken From